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2nd international Competition Winter 2002/2003 |
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) concerning the Competition |
Answers |
In Category 1, how many parts does a chain count as? |
It counts as one part, however long the chain is, so long as all the links are connected to each other. |
How do you count set screws in Category 1? |
After careful consideration and to prevent creating any confusion: a set screw or a grub screw etc. counts extra. The same goes for a tyre on a wheel and for similar combination parts. |
How does one measure the distance covered for Category 3? |
Basically as the crow flies (therefore measured along a straight metre ruler). If a model makes unpredictable movements, the measurement is more difficult because the time reported for the competition should not be the time of a single run nor the average time over a number of runs: the reported time must be achieved on every run. The competitor must offer a plausible argument for how the measured time was achieved. Each and every part of the model must travel the required meter. |
Are guiding rails or similar allowed in Category 3? |
As long as they are part of the model: yes. And they also must move through the whole meter etc! |
Is the size of the model in Category 3 of importance? |
Yes, at no time during its movement may the model exceed the dimensions of 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm. |
Is the weight of the model in Category 3 of importance? |
Yes, otherwise one could build a very light weight model which covers the course in a single jump. |
Why is there a weight limit in Category 2? |
It is not the size of the model which is to be judged but the creativity and fun factor. So there needs to be some guidance on "giantism". By the way, the model does not have to be able to actually fly. |
In Category 1 (Youth Competition), is one limited to one metal construction system? |
No. Here you may mix parts from as many systems as you like. |
Why in Category 3 cannot any model you like be kicked hard enough to cover one metre? |
It must start by standing still and may not be pushed. |
What is the reason for introducing the peculiar rule that in Category 2 and 3 Meccano screws may be used with other metal construction systems? |
In order to maintain equal opportunity. One of the reasons Meccano is superior to every other metal construction system is its large number of different screws and studding (screwed rods). |
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Dieter Müller |
Last Update: 2002-11-14 |
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